Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blade Runner: Frame by Frame

BLADE RUNNER revisited >3.6 gigapixels from françois vautier on Vimeo.

Boredom affects us all in strange ways.  Take me for instance, I will flip through countless internet pages of porn educational pictures, but Francois Vautier did what few have done before.  He made one hell of a wall-poster! Er, I mean he made "Blade Runner revisted"!  Vautier took every frame of the movie Blade Runner and ran them out on a wall.  He then ran a camera over them for, um, educational purposes!   Warning, this video can make you a little dizzy.

How the video was made:

first step: the "picture" of the film. I extracted the 167,819 frames from 'Blade Runner'  (final cut version 1h51mn52s19i).  Then I assembled all these images to obtain one gigantic image of colossal dimensions: a square ofapproximately 60,000 pixes on one side alone, 3.5 gigapixels (3500 million pixels)
Second step: an illusion.  I placed a virtual camera above this big picture. So what you see is like an illusion, because contrary toappearances there is only one image.  It is in fact the relative movement of the virtual camera flying over this massive image which creates the animated film like a film in front of a projector.
Via io9 (Linkage)

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